Serves 12
Time: 4 h
~ low FODMAP ~ failsafe ~ low salicylate ~ low amine ~ dairy free ~ gluten free ~
Ingredients – Base
190 g Nuttelex Original
1/4 tsp vanilla essence (a)
3/4 cup brown sugar
1 1/2 tbsp golden syrup (b)
215 g Orgran gluten free plain flour
1/4 tsp salt
Ingredients – Lemon curd
2 cups water
1/2 cup white sugar
5 tbsp gluten free cornflour (c)
5 gelatine leaves (d)
1 tbsp Nuttelex Original
3 egg yolks
Ingredients – Meringue
3 egg whites
1/2 cup caster sugar
pinch salt
1 tsp gluten free cornflour (c)
(a) Vanilla essence should not contain any preservatives – Queen’s Natural Organic Vanilla Essence is one suitable product but the Queen’s Natural Vanilla Extract is NOT failsafe as it contains preservative 202. Vanilla essence is failsafe at 2 drops per day (Food Intolerance Network Website, 2018)
(b) Golden syrup is low FODMAP at 1/2 tbsp (7g, The Monash University Low FODMAP Diet App, 2018)
(c) Use gluten free cornflour, also known as cornstarch, which is a fine white flour. Corn flour from wheat contains wheat and gluten while yellow corn flour or maize flour is higher in salicylates.
(d) Use gelatine without preservatives or additives. If you are sensitive to gluten, choose a gelatine that is gluten free. I used Sliver Grade Bio-Organic edible leaf gelatine but other grades should work.
Instructions – Base
- Preheat oven to 180 deg C
- Beat Nuttelex, vanilla essence, brown sugar, salt and golden syrup together
- Sift in Orgran gluten free flour
- Mix until uniform consistency
- Press mixture evenly onto base and sides of a large pie dish
- Bake the base for 20 mins at 180 deg C
Instructions – Lemon Curd
- Soak gelatine leaves in ice-cold water for 2 minutes
- Squeeze water out of the gelatine
- Separate the eggs into whites and yolks
- Combine 1 cup of water, white sugar and citric acid in saucepan and bring to the boil
- Make a slurry with 2 tbsp of water and cornflour
- Add cornflour slurry, remaining water (2 tbsp less than 1 cup) and gelatine to the water, sugar and citric acid mixture
- Stir the mixture continuously until it thickens
- Take the mixture off the heat and after a couple of minutes, stir in Nuttelex and egg yolks
- All the curd to cool slightly and then pour into cooked pie base
Instructions – Meringue
- Mix together caster sugar, salt and cornflour
- Beat egg whites to a soft peak with an electric mixer
- Add sugar mixture, one dessert spoon at a time, beating well after each addition to give glossy peaks
- Float dollops of meringue mixture onto lemon curd to cover the surface
- Using a spatula, spread the meringue over the surface and make small peaks
- Bake lemon meringue pie for 15 mins at 180 deg or until meringue is lightly browned
- Cool to room temperature and then refrigerate for a minimum of 2 hours to allow lemon curd to set
- Keep refrigerated before serving
Personal Notes
This recipe is adapted from the lemon meringue pie and butterscotch biscuits recipes from Sue Dengate’s The Failsafe Cookbook. If you can tolerate more than 2 drops of vanilla a day, the pie goes well with So Good vanilla frozen dessert.
I have made lemon meringue pie twice – once for a New Years Eve party and once when going to a friend’s place for dinner, which was then finished off by work colleagues – it has been very well received every time! Most people seem quite amazed that there aren’t real lemons in it and that it is gluten free. It is very sweet though, so I’d recommend making it for an event where it can be shared.
My current conundrum with this dessert is that I want the crusty meringue that comes from keeping the meringue dry but the firm lemon curd that requires cooling in the fridge. I tried slowly cooling it in the oven which made the crusty meringue, but as soon as I put the pie in the fridge, the condensation made the meringue soften. In a chemistry lab this would be an easy fix – put the sample in a flame-dried piece of glassware under a nitrogen atmosphere before cooling it and then there is no water present in the air to condense! The kitchen is a bit more difficult. I would like to try allowing the pie to cool completely to room temperature in the oven and then putting it in an airtight container in the fridge but there may be too much liquid in the pie for that to work and I can’t try it as my largest container doesn’t fit the pie dish. A much easier solution would be to find a different setting agent (also low FODMAP and failsafe!) that sets at room temperature. For now a soft meringue and set lemon curd is tasty enough.